we do want t lked, an i think youhavard all of he od reaso s pleas do not live market -- ndrk it supervisorase. weare for thdesigtion o the rth beac branch. we recognize that the current library isnotseing the eds of the communit however environmental reviewngoing, we a not convced this is mutually exclusive. it heedermined nd eligib f tationa register historic places by he plaindertme- hasbeen etmined a eligible. -- etermid igib. i impoant to undend it will not be the building in cre con s fraco heritage has oposedumbeo alrnativeshat would me the needs of the counity and th the future of the ar as explained in o comnts on the eir, we haverose a belowgroundaitio and an addition the north. neither of which he been considered in detail in their despit e statemof city staff eviously the northndion alteative was onsidered rly on itheproce butrejected and not brought forward for detailed consideonth ei. iour viewthis aring is to determine e eligibility othe library and t do awayit alrnates. as we he stated all along