it turns out it's a poor nductor. and aren't you glad? because what if air were a very, very good conductor? how would you feel all the te? it begins with a c, ends with old. put it together, gang. cold. you would feel cold. let's suppose the air was as good conducting as like a piece of metal. do you ever stand on a night at home and lean up against a metal door? it's cold to the touch. but that metal doo has the same temperature as the air around you. so be glad that air is a poor conductor and a good insulator. in fact, when you wannkeep yourself warm when you're gonna go campin', that sort of thing, don't you get a down-filled sleeping bag? what's all the dowfor? it's holding air in one place. it keeps the air from circulating. and that down will just hold the-- how about animals? you wonder about the animals. how do they make it up on the snow-covered mountains? they're covered with fur. and that fur puffs up and what-- guess what it holds insi? it begins with "a," ends with r. air. and that air is a very, very good insulator. so mos