ndwell, to the cynics and the skeptics and the doubters, i say you were wrong. we did get it done. families and jobs graders woke up the next after the final vote feeling a little bite more confident about our nation's fiscal future because now that the bill has passed the senate, they will be less way down. they can breathe a little sigh of relief knowing that we are doing our job, we are doing what we said we would do when they gave us control of the government. of course, it took no time for our major victory to be mocked, denigrated, or simply misrepresented. sometimes a false rumor spreading was done deliberately by our friends on the other side of the aisle, which is ironic. because democrats used to support many aspects of this plan, like lowering taxes for the middle class and eliminating incentives for corporations to ship jobs overseas. i guess you must conclude that theyap were happy with the stats quo, a slow-growing economy, stagnant wages, jobs being shipped overseas because of our self-destructive tax code. i guess you'd have to conclude they thought that was a good