ne nichols that we find, any loose change -- any nickles that we find, any loose change is being devoted to staffing. some of the directors efforts have already paid off. she talked about those last week. we have the america's cup and the public safety building. a whole lot of challenges. when we talk about the cuts that are targeted -- that is the result of having to implement those targeted cuts. this is the line. the red line is the is the 1971 fall to the staffing. -- fall into the staffing -- full duty staffing. if we have 60 officers come in in april-may, we can reduce all those numbers. that is the objective line between now and june 2015. that is assuming no accounting glasses. the numbers are not great. we transpose those directly from the report that was provided, directed to the police commission. if you look at the current numbers at the time the report was done, it was 1909 full duty officers. we are down a significant amount. the targets moving forward are based on how much time is spent or how much time is available for community police efforts. this is what commissioner s