the experienced workers they said treins t t o the pay scale as opposed to ne ursndld banvera of 65% it created another problem, ho to keep the older worker motivated while paying the res so the company introducese y st f ver employee if the performance -- the workers' cage could go up. another concern was the impact the new system would have when hiring new graduates >> the company knew if i refrained fromheouer woer its structure would become distorte even after it raised retirage, 35% said they are against th obligation to employ people fo titewhe yi t res so the company introducesed a pay system for veteran emoys. if the performance -- th culd another concern was the imct thnesyem would have when hiring new graduates >> the company knew if it refrained from the younger workers. its structwoulme distorted. even after it raised retirage, but that came at a price. in order to keep it close from ballooning, the farm had no choice but to make greater use of workers. >> after raising the retirement age, there wasn't a big change in the number of workers. buwe had to ange some workers f