. >> ladies and gentlemen, widow of neal levin, director of port authority, new york, new jersey, lostn the upper floors, near or above where the planes hit. the top 19 floors of the north tower and the top 33 floors of the south tower. i quote from british journalist ian mcewen. "the tower was burning around her and she was speaking on her mobile phone. she was calling to say goodbye. there was really only one thing for her to say, those three words that all the terrible art, that all the worst pop songs and movies, the most seductive lies can somehow never cheapen, those three words, i love you. she tuesday over and over again before the line went dead. and that is what they were all saying down their phones from the hijacked planes, from the burning towers, love was all they had to set against the hatred of their murderers. >> ladies and gentlemen, multiple grammy award winner, patti labelle. [applause] ♪ we're all two steps away from happiness, two steps away from loving our neighbor, black, white, or gay. we got to think. ♪ it's ♪ it's hard to see the fear in you as i walk away fr