here's neale godfrey c.e.o. of the children's financial network. >> it's the perfect time of year to make sure your kids unrstand the importance of giving, appropriately. an overgenerous gift can indicate too much of a need for approval or control and can embarrass the receiver. or, it can signal the beginning of an unhealthy materialistic competition. you can explain to kids that parents and grandparents love all gifts the same, no matter how much is spent. a solution is to have the kids pool their resources for one gift, with everyone putting in what they can afford as a percentage of their allowance. once your children know how much they're going to spend, they can for very important gifts, like for parents or grandparents, you may want to help your kids with a matching fund. non-monetary gifts really convey the most important message. let kids be creative. cooking a special dinner for grandma or helping to put photos in albums take more thought and might be a better way to say i love you. let your children c