>> good afternoon commissioners, my name is neale plattel planning director by coalition. today i'm very excited to announce a special event. the san francisco bicycle coalition with mayor's office of disability, the office of adults in aging services and borp, which is bay area outreach and recreation program. we'll be hosting an adaptive cycling event is for people with physical disabilities are able to ride custom made bicycles. some of these bicycles are hand powered, some have a tandem what's called pilot trained volunteer or staff pulling the position and there are people providing recreational opportunities for people with disabilities. very excited to bring them to san francisco to give people who live in san francisco the opportunity to experience something that perhaps they never have before. so the event is on june 9th, on the sunday streets routes in the dog patch. i apologize, i do not have a printed flyer with me today. we are finalizing the content. it should be ready next week and i will make sure i send over electronic copies and printed to copies to you a