ann is the senior state official for the neares esast. she's a career ambassador who has served in four countries, most recently egypt. thank you, ann, for being here this morning and for your long service to the country. [ applause ] >> i think she deserves applause. we are here today to talk about north africa. north africa holds one half of the population of the arab world. last year our exports to north africa totaled $11.5 billion. north africa encompasses much of what draws the world's attention today. many of its countries have recently undergone wrenching political change. some, actual revolution. many wrestle with hide rydrocar one way or the other. how best to produce them while striving to find ways to be less dependent on them. all wrestle with the balance of religion and politics and of religion in politics. all the countries face the youth bulge and how best to train and educate young people so they can be productive in the 21st century, yet despite or possibly because of these challenges, each country in north africa has re