i think one of the very alarming things, and ned holland, our great assistant secretary for administration is here and reminds me about this every day-sday, is a snapshot of the federal workforce and how many people are really nearing or about it near retirement age, how we make sure there's not only a pipeline of new talent but that kind of trajectory so people can see themselves staying for a long period of time, gaining new skills, that kind of pathway up the ladder because i think we need to take sort of succession planning very seriously and recruit that talent. >> but you know, one aspect of that is when you talk about graduate schools you're talking about women. 2/3 of graduate school graduates are female. more than half of undergraduate. so then you get to a workplace environment where, you know -- how comfortable is it for a woman throughout her life where she is likely to be spending a good bit of her time care-taking in one capacity or another, either as a mother or daughter or sister, whatever? how do you make the federal government a place that a woman can see herself in witho