global markets incorporated now i want to show you this chart here max and this is provided by ned naylor leland and as you see the red circle there that's where we were just april and before that twenty five percent correction as you see it's very similar to what happened in the one nine hundred seventy nine run up a thousand percent run up from that secular low and then it took a twenty five percent breather and then as you see it zoomed ahead to all time highs at that point well this is where ideologically speaking we have to see that the c.m.e. is called with their pants down because if they were truly concerned about volatility they would let the natural order flow and price discovery occur in the precious metals markets including sober and. a lot of capital flowing out of spec of bets flowing out of the margin accounts and buying into precious metals and this would recalibrate a rebalance a system and reduce overall volatility but the fact that they actually monkeyed around with the margin requirements on sober selectively instead of other commodities or other financial futures day targete