. >> well, what is interesting is nederland, wha i found a the end is very significant about the netherlands for american histor. as tliyiffent tcto w s i twn the famous new in bus story of the puritans and the southern story of virginia, maryland, the chesapeake colonies. thmp a t teof those places ry morxcti of ryland, you had a belief in a single church, and you had enforcement of a single religion. haho ruling class over a largely protestant group. the majority was a virginia, new england, belonging to one single sech. peophoou n oou intte would have to flee. some would go to maryland. a few went to ryland, but a number of people fromew england came to new netherland with a found a much more to.sceben and mucore >> professor even haefeli, to you teach? >> i teach courses on colonial american history, the american revotion, native american history also verympnto ey ic expie whend also american religious history. >> out the research 300 year-old religious history? where did youtart th ts bo whe did y elourtit arha teoof done. very reliance on scholarships that have come before us which pro