other schedules but so far we're ready to go and i wanted to thank the very high end retailer, neemen marcos and there is an expression that one person's trash is another man's treasure and they didn't need the trees from last year and a lot of the trees came from neemen marcos. they don't useornments twice i guess. [laughter] anyway i will leave that one alone. just a reminder one of the greatest world's best biggest lego displaying will end in january and in the pachyderm building and sean kennedy built the lego displays and quite amazing. . the hummingbird is in the air and i invite you and the kids to come see them and a quickly where we are on repairs. i explained this to the joint zoo commission and saw the report of the our investigative igator -- [inaudible] but this is what the panels look like and for each of the doors. the black buttons causing it to either go up or down and the stop button. as you're aware of the protocol for each of the doors is keep the hand on the red button and staff if in operation and four and a half feet high and 30 seconds to close. the speed is akin to a