yesterday aater a man jumped 180 eet & over the edge and ammaiigly, heessrvived.the man spent - neerlyyanthe man refused ttograb n..heechhpper used its propellers tt blow tte mmn closer to the hore line where ressuers could & 3 the orroless ook forrtte bg bounce backk gaanst he red unlimited. that's all for the late edition, i'm jeff barnd. barnd.. and i'mm eennfee joins us with sports for looo at how the birds are still flying highh 3 after a ssinging defeat last llokiig o bouncc back in game tww of theii three game set - with the boston red sox...and - that's exactly what thhyy did...maiittining their two - leagge east... past....- & 3& and tee had a ratherrhigg profile fan in thh crowd joe fllaco and his wife dana were takkng n the ballgame one...theebirds jumped out early...little used steve & tolleson rips this one off - felix doo-bront to leftr center...and it'ssgone...his fioost of the season, a twoo run shot aad the birds led by that margin......mmenwhill, brran matusz waa throwing an absolute gem...6 annda third, - pust 2 hits and 9 psrikeouus..adrain gonzales one of those here..