nefertiti ziti. guys, it was a 3.8, and the epicenter was somewhere off the coast of malibu. um, sun-ra filet and a side of pharaoh fries. it was a natural phenomenon-- two tectonic plates press together, energy needs to be released, and you have an earthquake. yeah--right when the mummy's head goes into the cat scan. it is a little eerie. i didn't say i believe in the mummy's curse, again? you haven't been feeling well for weeks now. a little nausea-- it comes and goes. it's probably just nerves. um, look, let me check you out, run a few tests. nausea shouldn't linger like this. o.k. the earthquake's not the only weird part. that's 3.75. i heard the finger the cat scan operator used to press the button broke out in warts. have a nice day. i do not believe this. and if you connected the warts with magic marker, they spelled "repent." admit it, doogie, when the mummy went into the machine and the earthquake started, weren't you a little freaked out? no. i wasn't. are you guys really seriously saying that an ancient inanimate artifact diot believes in a mummy's curse? the facts