the perceived negegative, is that he is a guy whoho never ran a candy store, the economy is the weaknt romney has to add to the persona of "i am a businessman." he asked at a program. -- past two at a prprogram. mark indicated it is risky for him to embrace the ryan plan bui think the country is ready for a debate about entitlement reform, and the more ideological it gets, the more it helps republicans, because the mort they can make thcurrent election a replay of 2012, at they will then. >> replay of 2010, colby. >> it ll not be a replay of 2010 for a variety of reasons. the economy will not be in the same pce. at the democrats h have an opportunity, particularly h house democrats, to run a campaign ainst the ryan plan, and they see optimism therere. is another sleeperssue of gay marriage. something is going to be happening below the radar on this. people start to 4 positions around at this bause of where barack obama has beenn positioned. it is -- he iss almost a proxy in this. >> 31 states prohohibit it, andnd north carolina has passed a constitutional ammendment. >> and the polls