united states, after secret negotiationsnsf 18 months taking place, there he is, being the gentleman that he is, holding the umbrella for the first lady. and sasha and malia right behind him as he waves to the cuban people who are there to greet him at jose' marti' international airport. making his way down air force one. about to take foot on cuban soil. this is truly a r remarkable sight. greeting bruno rodriguez, the equivalent to john kerry in the u.s. shaking hands with the first family. and the president of the united states covering them all with his umbrella. >> anchor: there youp go, white these roses being handed not only to the first lady, but it looks like to the daughters as well. . >> do you find it interesting, michael and frank, that president castro is not here at the airport to greet president barack obama? we know that on monday, that they will in fact have a state dinner. but in the morning, on monday, the president will go to the palace and take an official photo with president raul @ castro. but do you find it interesting he's not here at the a aport right now?