take new hampshire congressional candidate and white collar fred flintstone, steve negron.ron voted in the state legislature against a bill that would have banned gay conversion therapy and defended his vote this way: >> i did not vote for that. you know, i believe that's something that, when you look at these young children that are trying to make a decision-- and i remember when i was 15-16, i was confused. i, you know, had a lot of options in my life. >> stephen: yeah, he had a lot of options: he could have been gay, could have been straight-- but, unfortunately, he chose (bleep). the g.o.p. also includes some pretty intolerant incumbents, like new jersey rep and cinderblock american, chris smith. smith was addressing high school students, when one of them asked him a question about her gay sister: >> she talks about, like, wanting to adopt a child one day with her partner. and i just wanted to know if you think that, based on household studies, she would be less of a legitimate parent, and why she couldn't have-- to adopt a child? >> well, you know, in my opinion, a chi