>> nick negroponte i've worked on, the darker, the tougher the subject matter, the more likely it isit, to balance it out. >> how did you prepare for the role of this guy? >> well i mean first of all obviously all the hannibal lecter stories come from the novels. i recommend to anybody that hasn't read them. >> that has the stomach for them. >> anybody who likes good writing, he has a fantastic character. will graham pops up in "red dragon" the first novel. so i went to that. >> you know as i was watching this this morning, you probably didn't know at the time you started this project, we just had in the news here in new york a true story, the man was finally, he was found guilty. the cannibal cop. and i have to ask you, if you feel in some way, that by us highlighting these kinds of things, are we in any way contributing to the culture of violence? >> the rise of cannibalism? >> no, i don't mean it that way. are we glorifying in any way something that is the least deserving of it? i mean that with great respect. >> i think it's a good question, actually. i think that speaking person