below that was a photograph from neil armstrong after he had stepped foot on the moon, inscribed. that's how long that man had served on capitol hill. so some of them do get caught up and by no means am i being disrespectful to claude pepper who had a wonderful career, but there is argument out there, those in favor of term limits, we should spend less time on capitol hill because we forget why we are here. >> senator van knight, of colorado, if you stay here too long, you become part of the problem. you become beltway animal, quitting, going back home. how often do people quit? >> there was therio back in the early 1990's, when an entire freshman house made the point when they got here, they were going to stay for i think three terms maximum. you had people like mark san ford of south carolina, now the governor, keep true to that. some of them did not. beltway animal, ben knighthorse campbell, he is quitting. how often do others? it happens from time to time. most are voted out. he had sitdown with me one time, five, six, seven years ago. he opened up for an hour and a half about