. >> a couple of years ago, neil barowski, the special inspector general for t.a.r.p. was here. here's what he had to say about the process of i.g.s and i want you to put it in perspective from your experience. >> when glenn fein was the d.o.j., he helped to use his office to help lead the investigation into the politically motivated firings of u.s. attorneys. that's an example of an extremely aggressive i.g. often you don't hear about them, know about them. i was once asked the question about why a particular agency didn't have an ig doing what they were doing. it turned out they did. you never heard of them because they're so not out there. they're so not aggressive. i was told by an ig point blank that he wished he could do what i was doing. he was afraid for his job in keeping college. he couldn't afford to lose his job. that's one of the problems, they live in fear of being fired if they're too aggressive in carrying out their duties. >> what do you think? >> well, let me offer a number of comments on that tape. when an ig agrees to take the job of inspector general, we kno