neil de grasse tyson bryan cranston. live shows like the show it's yes exactly like it's a very similar i mean you're a great inspiration to me so it you know but you're i feel like i've seen some of your tactics and i'm not good at them but i like your tactic tactics i see tactics i see as i see the matrix code sometimes larry see the matrix going to be attacked a tactic is one of my tactic a tactic is easy question get you comfortable and then sucker punch so it's like all short questions always like yeah so you say you'll say oh you like disneyland yeah i love going to disneyland i hear you're an alcoholic yeah as you know as i've already opened up you know yes so we talked about me being in recovery last time i was on that what was that you know you or. what was it like it was just yeah just drinking i never i'm too. i don't i'm too anxious to do drugs i don't think i've never done cocaine or anything i just i think if my heart started beating too fast i would just i would just buy a coffee with your local preference