the question to you about this, neil mcneil was a journalist. you were an employee of a united states senator for 35 years. did you have any trouble with the adverbs, adjectives, the defining people in this book? >> no. >> why not? >> it was a very good journal iles with a vastf command of the -- he was a very good journalist, with a best command of the english language. sitting there, reading his drafts. i would say, yeah, that's right. that gets to the heart of the matter. so i did nothing to censor it or cool it down. i just welcome it. >> i gather you wrote the story in here about the current senate minority leader, mr. mcconnell from kentucky? >> i did. >> there's a story there about his background and why he got there and why he wanted to -- can you tell us that. >> i never knew he had polio as a young man, a young boy. it took a lot of courage and tenacity and the help of his mother to get on and move on. at one point, he was interested in becoming an historian today. very well read in american political history. but it was a tough decisi