has three names, assassins always have three names -- lee harvey oswald, john wilkes booth, neil patrick harrist every awards show. who is this person that might get expelled from congress after less than a month? let's get to know her in our brand-new segment "fringe-watching." ♪ ♪ meet marjorie taylor greene. in cock, she represents georgia's 14th district, right outside atlanta, and in life, she represents some views right outside of reality. >> marjorie taylor greene, she won her house race for a district in northwest georgia. she has in the past promoted that q anon conspiracy theory. >> q is a patriot, we know that for sure, but we do not know who q is. people believe that q is someone very close to president trump. according to him, many in our government are actively worshiping satan, or they call molach. is it going to be true that the child pedophilia and the elites in washington, d.c., is that what we're really going to see come out? is it going to be say tan, worship? >> trevor: q is in the house -- of representatives! marjorie taylor greene is hardly the first member of congress to