transport minister neil ruddock or reopen the issue with the car on the garda commissioner to withdraw the remark he made last january when he attended the accounts committee referring to the behavior of the two whistleblowers the commissioner said then disgusting. but disgusting today two labour ministers all torched a commitment to withdraw his remarks. uk two of them. from the point of view. i think it will be simple. this is. the we would find it helpful. and if the commission considered that means for her. for jones is looking into junior finnegan ministers hospital who want so don't stop short of endorsing bill was called but significant people praised the actions of the whistleblowers former guard the jaunt with some non sergeant morris decade writing for his party's or dashing cannot meet the theme if only to have this to say i'm very surprised that it is very taken back by what he is said to possess a very severe rebuke to the thomas the smoothest apart. most of the church. since we live apart in a surprise to buy property in order to prepare to defend the indefensible it is n