nela richardson joins us now.t do you think about that, the widening dispar knit >> income inequality has never been greater in this economy. i mean, except before the great depression. it's because the rich, the wealthy, the technology workers are making such high incomes compared to the rest of america, where incomes are stagnating. so it is an issue. >> is there a so-called multiplier from what all those tech types are doing in new york and in silicon valley? >> well, except for buying $57 million penthouses, wealthy people tend to save their money. they tend to invest. they don't tend to spend. so that trickle-down theory doesn't trickle down so much when it's just in savings and not others. >> well, income tends to live hand in mouth in essence -- >> more so, the more income, the more likely you are to spend out of your income, yes. >> nela, yes, it's one of the debates and one of the problems we're all trying to face, income inequality. clashes in kiev, they are still happening. they might even be getting wo