there is a river, some in the clear didn’t step on anything that same garyn, it was a flood, velma, nelgasci dachshund and dachshund. it was possible to see the roof, now we know the old part of the city, the old pabudovs, typov's houses tagachasny, i think that it was given to budza, here is the disappearance, such a hatse had 12 chalaveks, geta normal sam'ya, well, if sem dzyatsey, then geta is small, here you are, then you could eat bread, geta typovy city. at that time the land was small, because there were some lakes, some crayfish, then a terrible lowland, there was a lot of life there, so people were wiped out just because there were ladies in this central part, and we what ladies yes, it’s worthwhile to stay in the same place, well, and today’s belarusian standard architecture. form ў jumping over the windows velma jumping shawl, fronton albo is considered, as we seem, velma often ў we were caught. ablation of the sun of the slave, this symbol is such a sign, some of the deposits, magchyma, that this is of the same kind as the sun and the sun - this symbol of ours is important, an