that film with nelson rockefeller is amazing that's from 1964.feels like he could be speaking about the tea party right now. >> sure. >> so when huntsman takes this roll and says, whoa, we are going too far to the right, who is the audience for that? what gap is he trying to fill? >> huntsman in std aid in that interview i'm the center right candidate for a center right country. that is very much tdb. if you look at the footage and we see how far this country and this party, the republican party has come to the right, i mean, it is now -- we're in a position where ronald reagan on a lot of things looks like a moderate. george w. bush worked with teddy kennedy to pass no child behind. i mean, that was a handful of years ago, and i mean, it to a certain degree the questions remain. could we even have a george bush in this election season? >> when i'm driving down the ronald reagan freeway as i left this weekend, i was like ronald reagan would be a much better political xhois at this point. what is exciting to me about huntsman, i've made this argum