he's one of the arab world's most popular comedians, nemr abou nassar.ught up in the united states and lebanon, he quit hisjob as an insurance broker to become a stand—up comic. he believes humour can change the world. but does he risk promoting misunderstanding and perpetuating stereotypes through his comedy? nemr abou nassar, welcome to hardtalk. thank you so much for having me. so there you were, at the age of five in united states, watching television and you decided there and then that you wanted to be either be a stand—up comedian or a ninja turtle. yes. why not a ninja turtle? well, the stem cell research is not where it should be. and, ah, for religious reasons, i think a lot of people have opposed it. so i haven't given up hope yet. i'm using stand—up comedy to finance the ninja turtle dream. all right. fingers crossed. we'll see what happens. so, you're lebanese american... yes. ..yourfamily moved to san diego when you were two years of age because of the civil war at the time in lebanon. and you went back to lebanon when you were ten years of