the herders are members of the nenets peoeople, who havave, aditionay, led nadic ves.rozen riviver which is sevalal kileterss wide at is point, night with -anand wi greatataution. climatchange imaking t ice thner by t year. at nightwhen it colder, there't brbreaki. is group reacheshe f far at nore at dbreak.older, there't they areccompani by anthrologist, exandervolkovn studyinghe life d custom of the nenets people for manyye: fothosose madic fafamili slivi in the tundra, e e main problem is theondiditi of of the nenets people for manyye: their herd b becau theyy dedend on their reiner.. and ththr future means t good coition ofheir her. that future isis anything bubut securere. -- >> that futurere is anytg but secucure. ththe arctic hasas been warmint abouout twice the e rate of thee plplanet as a whole. for the nene h herdersit i is becoming more and more diffulult to travel l their traditioional routes.. ice formrms on the rivivers er lalater in the s season, forcg the fafamilies and h herds to . alexander: lots of families have no way out. there is no possibility fo