conflicts that the losers in the process have an understandable material interest in slowing down neovation. -- innovation and does that create a democratic capitalism and if you do, do you have a way with how to deal with it. >> okay. the first question, you know, is it -- does it make it essentially impossible to come up with a mathematical model of entrepreneurship. i think i'll ties one of the people that we talk about in the book who talks about exactly that. that innovation -- that economic growth is unpredictable precisely because of that. because, you know, no one knows which innovations are going to work or where they're going to come from there's this unpredictability that's inherent in that. i'm in that camp. so your next question is sort of innovation creates losers as well as winners. and what kind of political dynamic does that create? in our society? well, i mean, we see the type of dynamic it creates. it creates a dynamic where the government takes over general motors because, you know, it can't think of -- it can't conceive of general motors going out of business. and then