nepa was passed in this body by a bipartisan majority. nepa was passed in the house by a bipartisan majority. and the reason why it's still alive and well and functioning, protecting our environment is because it's a bipartisan solution and it's helped make it a lasting solution. so any changes -- any changes to the implementing regulations of this bedrock law, let alone the kind of changes sought by c.e.q., require a lot more careful thought and deliberation and bipartisanship. c.e.q. simply has not aimed to address the needs of all stakeholders. witness the universal opposition of the environmental community, nepa's most consistent constituency, council of environment and quality has touted that this proposal, their proposal is a way to, quote, modernize nepa. however, the proposal is instead an inbeing -- inacronym back toa time when it disconnected communities before nepa was enacted in 1970. this puts aside any front -- severe -- that comes with eliminating the requirement to consider environmental impacts. taking away that requireme