she worked at a popular restaurant in neptune city with my daughter. know her well enough to know whether or not she would be a suicide risk, or? ed kirschenbaum: you know, all i know of sarah when i saw her at work, a very nice person, bubbly, upbeat, never a bad word to say about anybody. did-- kind of an innocence about her? she was very artistic. she was laidback, just the epitome of innocence. keith morrison (voiceover): but jump from a bridge into the shark river? why would she? she'd been happy, on the brink of new possibilities. and neptune city, on the jersey shore, had always been her safe place. keith morrison: good place to grow up? - yeah. - yeah. i'm happy that i grew up here. keith morrison (voiceover): here, they say the sand gets in your shoes. people tend to stay. families count back generations. friendships last whole lifetimes. everybody knows each other in neptune. it's a very tightly knit community. and if you don't know that person, someone you know is going to know that person. keith morrison (voiceover): and the block where car