, megyn saying these are people who live in your are, not people that live in the united states of nercf time in europe. the word africans is nothing wrong with that. west nile is a place in africa where there is virus where people communicate. it is stupid, stupid thing. megyn: apparently there were other tweets. >> that is only one i know about. megyn: she somehow affiliated or praised some extreme organization that they describe as near fascist that, you know, she likes apparently. but the question is, i will start with you on this, arthur, whether we really want to get a practice in greece or elsewhere banning olympicth a lietz because they don't like groups they are affiliated with? >> absolutely not. i'm an american. so i believe in freedom of association. that's one of our foundations. so if you ban every major league baseball player or national football player because of what church they went to or what political party they went to or even if it was an extremist party, that was not, that is not very american. megyn: look who participates in the olympic games, jonna. you will hav