nerc provided needed information in a timely fashion.a number of government agencies including the ferc, dhs and the fbi undertook senate work with the industry to promote mitigation measures. and then last month under the leadership of chair lefleur, ferc directed nerc to develop a mandatory standard on physical security within 90 days, even before the standard-setting process was under way. we saw lessons learned from metcalf being applied, and i think that that is critically important here. as experts have recognized for some time, it is likely impossible to insure that every part of the grid could withstand physical or cyber attack. thus, we need to redouble a properly-scaled and continuously improving approach to grid reliability and security. after the facts about the universe of today's threats are clear or perhaps just a little more clear, we can debate whether new legislation might be necessary. now, some are interested in empowering ferc to direct emergency actions to protect the grid. i've got my own thoughts on that, but clea