if we hadn't lost our nerch, it would have been one of the trust's greatest hits for the year.i look over the lost list of stocks, like national oil, varieso, i see the same pattern. we bought them while wall street was lukewarm. then the stocks got hit. the analysts went decidedly negative, only to unload the shares when they got lightly above or averages base into profitability. we sold precisely when the fun was start iing by that time sad we were long gone! let me get to the bottom line. never sell a stock just because it's going lower and you can't take the pain, like the doubting analysts. rather than getting more aggressive and wanting to partake in the opportunity. if you've done the home work as we did. if you keep checking, as we did. if the story isn't wildly off the rails, stay long, continue to own, have some conviction based on your own homework, not the home worked of scaredy cat analysts. don't give up once the stock starts moves in your direction. you might end up selling it at nearly the worst possible moment. where for owned a slight gain in a few stock that