go through a chemical process known as polymerization producing small pellets of plastic called nergal's. the pellets are then shipped to another factory where the spoons are manufactured after which they're shipped off once again this time to distribution centers where consumers purchase them. but even before it's been used the spoon has already done irreparable damage to the environment spills and negligent transportation lead to nergal's ending up at sea and eventually in the food on our plates at the same time inefficient supply chain management means more fossil fuels are burned and more carbon dioxide finds its way to the atmosphere and that's not all just 9 percent of all the plastic that's been produced since 950 has been recycled. consumers typically only use plastic spoons once. after that they become a solid waste that finds its way to landfills oceans or incinerators. since the plastic isn't biodegradable it can remain in the environment for hundreds of years we need to avoid plastic waste in the 1st place and improve the recycling system. having seen that the 1st question th