whether this law needs to be revisited, but the congress addressing this issue is nevertheless, neru reese notally updated our transmission policy in anticipation of federal action. we believe that a bottom up state and regional driven approach is the most appropriate model going forward. while we are not convinced that the case has been made for federal authority. we recommend the following principles. anything granted to ferc by the legislation allow for primary siding jurisdiction by the states and provide a ferc's backstop siding authority be as limited as possible. in no event should ferc be granted any additional authority over the siding and construction of new interstate transmission line. in no event should ferc be granted any additional authority to approve a new interstate transmission line that is not consistent with the regional transmission plan developed in coordination with affected state commissioned or other citing authorities or regional planning groups. in no, vent should ferc be granted authority to approve a new interstate transmission line unless there is already in place ei