and we are -- and i say this as -- i'm an intensely strong supporter of geary brt as i am with van ness and i hope many more brts and i don't want to compare us to mexico city from an idea in somebody's head to the -- it took three years, you know. i understand this california, this is the u.s., we love process here and things take a lot longer than they do elsewhere, but it's one thing to say three years from idea to project delivery is not realistic here but to have a situation where we're nine years into a project and we have really nothing to show for it except for ongoing analysis. that is very frustrated to me and i think to a lot of people. and with vanness brt and i think now it's possibly being turned over to the mta -- so it can take [inaudible] eventually, you know, build the project. i'm being a little sarcastic but it's very frustrating. and so this contract -- it's 6 million dollars total and that is for environmental analysis and preliminary conceptual drawings. how much of that is for environmental seqa analysis. how much of that 6 million is for seqa work? ballpark. >>