that in both cases there was no alcohol, so on the night of july 25 in one of the apartments on nesterov street, a company among which the 39-year-old mistress of the dwelling and her 54-year-old cohabitants participated in the feast in the morning man. asked bring your companion some alcohol. however, instead of alcohol, the woman grabbed the knife and stabbed him . according to the results of the forensic medical examination, the death of the man came from a chest wound, complicated by blood loss, it was established that earlier the woman was the fate of theft officially does not work anywhere during the interrogation of the investigator. she explained that she wanted to scare her roommate in order to take him away from alcohol. a few days later, another tragedy occurred due to drinking alcohol, frequent conflicts between the guy and by a woman culminated at a birthday party with three stabs to the body of a guy previously accused. she worked as a florist in one of the private firms, and the law enforcement agencies reported the incident on their own, keeping silent about the true circumstanc