i am, what is it, comrade commander, the task is completed, it was you who allowed maksimov and nesterovaollected the jackdaws, and what happened, i’m listening to you, commander, look, zakharchenko, what are her subordinates doing, me? that i am committing a crime, what, dusya, i’m listening, dusya, can you explain what happened, what happened, oh, look, now you’ll see, zakharchenko, look too. so what do you say? now something will happen. comrade commander, efritor polikarpou arrived from the hospital, absolutely healthy, ready to fly. 7 to 10 days of arrest. the patient is back in the hospital. comrade commander, who will fly? ya , clear, clear, comrade, commander, there is an urgent change in tasks, i’m flying to headquarters, the navigator will check the calculations, the chief of staff will clarify the front lines, the tension is maximum, departure on the green rocket, clear, comrade commander, you have a squad of two navigators who are sick, will you allow me to fly with polikarpova, when have the stitches been removed? a temporary amnesty for everyone, until the end of the war, wh