there they are, nesting ashtrays, and of course, most importantly, we have the match striker on the topon of matches inside. now, what's superb about this particular example is that it's so complete because quite often, they're damaged or pieces are missing from them. you find part of the ashtray's missing or whatever. how has it survived so well? i'm not sure. have any of you ever smoked? or did you father smoke at all? yes, my father and mother smoked. did they use it as a smoking compendium? or was it always just an ornament? i think they did, you know, occasionally, yes. right, okay, and what would you say on date? would you have any idea of the date? um, well, sort of 1930s. that's about right, about 1925-1930. it says much about the period, attitudes of the time. of course, people smoked like troopers in that period. so, of course, it wasn't regarded in the same way, so putting it in context like that. value-- value is a difficult one. i've seen damaged ones of these make considerable sums of money, and i think this is worth in excess of £2,000 at auction, which is a staggering am