hosting also all these global executives using besides the inducement i think google executives netflix astra zeneca as well so the answer is absolutely mission critical for him he actually also deserves a bit of credit because he has now held his ground on a lot of these fronts union workers off to $48.00 days of striking they're running out of funds they're running out of morale and some of them are actually crossing the picket lines and going back to work so i think he's actually going to i believe turn for all those around because you can all finally succeed with socialistic policies just like in the u.s. so there will be leaving these high tax states in the end it will fail we will see how it turns out really for which were member with the british or american business association pigs again for your. pleasure of ed because the. time now for a quick break but hang here because when we return google's c.e.o. says that artificial intelligence regulation needs to take a balanced approach so what is he looking for lawmakers to do and what has google promise it won't do with a i will tell you more. m