diet, neurgs, all those things. neil: that healthy lifestyle again. >> it's true. and early detection again with all disease, whether it's cancer or alzheimer's, now, his research is finding that in the brain, if they can break that down and prevent someone from even having the alzheimer's, but you know the devastating affects of alzheimer's how exciting would that be. neil: a lot of people don't know they have the markers to identify it early. >> you need to identify it early. the best treatment is the treatment given early. and ms in alzheimer's, als, parkinson's disease, brain tumors, the earlier we can identify it the easier it will be to treat. this is, again, collision or collaboration if you will to find things that are early. the other thing we want and i think what's so unique about the ann romney center for neurological diseases is that we want more shots on goal. what do, i mean, by that? i mean, we want treatments. a shot on goal is trying a new treatment. and somebody who has the idea and if it works then we have a new treatment. that's what's going to