you'll smile when i tell you i put a full page ad in the "new york times" that had a picture of george bush, and you it mr. president, you say jesus changed your heart. we play you'll change your mind. we had one the bishops in the methodist church speak directly to president bush. methodist, at that time, and tried to convince him that war was not a good idea. anyway, i'm excited about the opportunity of having the panel speak. how many of you are before nuclear weapons. i want to see a show of hands. i don't see any. we have the choir here. how many of you would like to see the middle east issues resolved in a peaceful and -- yes, yes. we have a few other hands risen. we hope we can add some value to that. when i served across the street in the house of representatives, we operated on the five-minute rule. then if we wanted an extension, we would ask consent to extend for one or two additional minutes. one of my rules of thumb is to never have five people on a panel, because that takes for hours. but we have five people on the panel. and we have five dedicated people who are dedicated to