we will get a new job support, new retail sales report, new cbi npc before then. -- and pce before then. it will be pretty quiet before then. scarlet: next year in 2024, don't some new fed presidents rotate in as voting members? any sense of whether it is good -- the committee turns more hawkish or dovish? michael: by definition i suppose it will turn more hawkish. you have loretta mester coming up to the board. she's always been under the voting rotation and always been fairly hawkish. we also have rossville bostick -- raphael bostic who is not at all hawkish. looks like it will be about the same. i don't think it would be a question of hawkish and dovish then divisions are not that deep. it will be a question of timing and inflation. how far inflation has to come down before they agree it is time to make a rate cut. scarlet: michael mckee, thank you for setting the scene for us. bloomberg's international and policy editor michael mckee will be there when the fed decision comes out. we will check out with him in the top of the next hour. let's head over to kailey leinz who was standing