tonight a look at what we're calling the new denmark and what we might learn from its experience. late last year "worldfocus" special correspondent john larson went to denmark to have an extensive look at its energy revolution. we begin with how denmark has reduced its dependence on oil and created thousands of new jobs. >> reporter: perhaps denmark's most famous landmark, the little mermaid, looks toward the sea in this country's maritime past. but if these tourists came to see a symbol of the new denmark, they're looking in the wrong direction. clean, renewable wind power is arguably the new symbol of denmark, now a world leader in alternative energy. in denmark, you'll find the world's most efficient power plants running increasingly on biomass from fields, forests, even garbage. >> thousands of degrees inside the furnace. >> reporter: but the story of how denmark has changed the way it uses energy is best told at home. most mornings, lizbeth ebbinghouse leaves her husband and two children and commutes to work on her bicycle, a four-mile trip. >> and now we're halfway. whew! >>