increases in almost every office and division across the s.e.c., including overall requests of $467 new f.t.e. we heard the claim that the s.e.c. needs increased staffing and funding to get through the dodd-frank mandated rule makings, however, the staffing and funding levels that the s.e.c. cannot exponentially increase forever. this is not an efficient use of your funds, nor will it protect american investors. i'm eager to hear how the s.e.c. plans to judiciously use its funding in key areas in order to best leverage its expertise and capabilities to protect our capital markets and investors and facilitate the overall growth of capital. so thank you, again, for being here today. i look forward to your testimony and now i'd like to recognize the ranking member serrano. >> thank you, mr. chairman. i join you in also welcoming chair white before the subcommittee to testify on the fiscal year 2015 budget request for the securities and exchange commission. last year when we spoke, chair white, you were just settling into your new position. now almost a year of service in this new position, i hav