stamping out these gangs should be a new nationa priority. last week i sat up a cross government program to look at every aspect of this problem. now, the last front in this fight is proper punishment. on the radio last week they interviewed one of the young men who had been looting in manchester and he said this. he said, i'm going to carry on until i get caught. this will be my first arrest, he said. the prisons were already overflowing so he'd just get a slap and live with that. what we've got to show to him and everyone like him, the party is over. i know when's people talk about policy and tough sentencing people sometimes roll their eyes. yes, last week we saw the criminal justice system deal with an unpcedented challenge. the courts sat through the night and dispensed swift a firm justice. we saw the system was on the side of the law-abiding majority. buconfidence in the system is still too low. and believe me, i understand the anger with the lev of crime in our country today and i'm determined we sort it out and restore people's faith