and if someone wants to put up a new victoran, we should welcome it, it does not matter that it does not look japanesy. and one of the comments and i cannot tell you how many times people have said that it is not really japanese architecture it is really faux japanese architecture. and we really wanted something more dynamic, in our planning. and now, as far as saying that there was something, in the redevelopment guidelines, that came out during that time, i have never seen those. but i have seen though, a design plan and a master plan for bucahana mall that was created by rio okomoto but that is for a discreet section of japan town and that was designed to look like a japanese village it was a coherent piece of japan town and that should be maintained and something that we agree with. but as far as the rest of japan town goes, we are taking seriously what our community told us, it does not have to be something with building details, not everything has to be wood and not everything has to be one way and in fact we have had some buildings that have used those kinds of details. and th